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Proposed: New 51 Lot Home Development
The proposed project is a Tentative Map and Development Plan to develop 51 single family detached homes within the northeast portion of Jeffries Ranch.

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The property consists of 82.5 gross acres and is located immediately south of Mission Avenue approximately 3,600'west of Jeffries Ranch Road, immediately east of the City of Oceanside/County of Diego boundary and north of Marlborough Country Estates Unit #4. The project is located within Guajome Neighborhood Planning Area.
The property has a general plan land use designation of Residential Estate B, and a zoning designation o@ Residential Estate B with an Equestrian Overlay (RE-B-E). Base density for this designation is 1 dwelling unit per acre, with a maximum potential density of 3.5 dwelling units per acre. The underlying zoning for the property requires a minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet. The Equestrian Overlay designation requires that 85 percent of the lots be designed to contain a minimum of 7,200 square feet of usable horse yard area.
The net area for the development is 78.9 acres, 50.2 of which are in open space lots. The minimum gross lot size for the project is 12,259 square feet and the average lot size is 22,852 square feet. The largest single-family residential lot is 37,354 square feet in size. The project density is 0.6 dwelling units per acre which is below the base density of 1.0 dwelling unit per acre. The project density is based on a gross area of 82.5 acres, less 3.6 acres of land considered undevelopable by the City of Oceanside, for a net developable area of 78.9 acres. The 3.6 acres of land considered undevelopable are comprised of 3.2 acres of riparian area and 0.4 acres of slope area that is in excess of 40 percent with a minimum elevation differential of 25 feet.
The main access to the project will be from the extension of Spur Avenue into the project from existing phases of Jeffries Ranch. The residential streets within the project will have 60 feet of total right-of-way width which will include 36 feet of pavement from curb to curb, 3 feet of parkway for locating utilities and 9 feet of horse trail on each side of the street. This street section will accommodate parking on both sides of the street.
Just over 50 acres (50.2 acres), or 60%, of the project site are incorporated into the development as open space. Of this, 42 acres will be left in it's existing condition (lot "A"). Two riparian areas exist on the property; the slope banks between these riparian areas and the development will be planted with native species which match or are compatible with the existing vegetation. This will provide a more natural vegetative transition between the riparian area, which is being preserved, and the developed portions of the site. This re-vegetation will help to provide a protective buffer for wildlife which currently utilizes the riparian areas.
The project is subject to requirements of the City's Equestrian (EQ) Overlay District. Forty-four of the fifty-one lots (86%) will accommodate a minimum of 7,200 square feet of useable area necessary for pens, storage, exercise and access facilities associated with the keeping of horses. These lots are lots I - 29, 32 40, 43, 45-48 and 51. Nine foot wide equestrian trails have been included on both sides of the streets throughout the project. These trails will be fenced on either side, with a three foot parkway adjacent to the curb.
Grading for the project will average 10,016 cubic yards per graded acre, which is above the maximum allowable of 7,500 cubic yards per graded acre per the Hillside regulations. The need for this additional grading is to accommodate the requirements of the EQ Overlay District in relation to overall lot size and usable yard area for the keeping of horses on individual lots.
The project design includes the use of four panhandles on lots 8, 16, 20, and 21. These lots are located in areas where slopes and habitat do not allow for more typical lot patterns. In accordance with Section 1050(Y) of the Zoning Ordinance, panhandle lots are permitted with a Conditional Use Permit, subject to meeting specific development standards. Each of the panhandle lots meets the supplemental development regulations for panhandle access including lot size, panhandle length and width, pavement width and setbacks for property lines and garages.